Set up calculations and formulas (5H)
Master the basic calculations
- Set up simple calculations (addition, subtraction, division, etc.)
- Use and understand the value of parentheses in a calculation
- Copy a calculation
- Know how to reference cells (relative A1, absolute $A$1, mixed $A1 A$1)
- Calculate percentages (%)
- Use named ranges
Discover common statistical functions
- SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, NB, NBVAL… functions
Use conditional functions
- Set up a simple IS
- Nest multiple IF functions
- Nest the functions IF, AND, OR…
Use text functions
- TEXT function to convert a number
- STXT, LEFT, RIGHT functions to extract characters
- Convert content with LOWER, UPPER…
- CONCAT(ENER) function to gather information
Insert and format charts (2H)
Create and manage simple charts
- Why create a graphic?
- How to make the right choice of graph
- Understand how it works (X and Y axis)
- How to read a graph
- Selecting data
- Use the recommended charts
- Insert simple graphs (histograms, curves, sectors…)
- Interchange rows and columns
- Change the type of graph
- Add or remove chart elements
- Change the layout of the chart
- Change colors and styles
- Move a chart
- Customize the different parts of a graph
- Saving a graph as a template
Work efficiently on a database (3H)
Sort data
- Perform a simple sort in AZ or ZA order
- Perform multiple levels of sorting
- Sort a custom list
- Sort on cell colors or fonts
- Sort on conditional formatting icons
- Match case when sorting
- Sort left to right
Use the automatic filter
- Apply filters
- Filtering a column
- Make filters on several levels
- Use the custom filter to filter text, numbers or dates
- Filter on cell colors or fonts
- Filter on conditional formatting icons
Inserting subtotals
- Reminders on sorting
- Inserting subtotals in relation to a column
- Insert nested subtotals (multiple columns)
- Insert nested subtotals (multiple calculations)
- Replace existing subtotals
- Display subtotals below or above the data
- Create a page break between groups
- Format rows containing totals
- Delete totals
Create drop-down lists
- Set List
- Create a simple drop-down list
- Customize the input message
- Customize error alerts
- Circle invalid data
- Clear validation circles
- Clear data validation